On Tuesday Jan 18th 2011 I will be participating in the day long seminar entitled Digital Dialogues. This is organised by D-MARK (Digital and Material Arts Group). This will be held at the Faculty of Art, Design and Technology, Markeaton Street Campus, University of Derby.
My presentation is entitled
Moving Digital and will discuss the evolution and impact of digital practise on my artwork. I am currently Visiting Professor in Photography at the University of Derby and I am looking forward to meeting up again with my colleagues there again. It should be a very stimulating event.
Other speakers include:
Mary McNally
Does Shakespeare have a Second Life?
David Stent
Dyspatx Online Artists’ Collective
Charlie Davis
Multimodal approaches to learning
Chris Owen/ Jayne Falconer
Using Second Life in Education
Chris Wilson
Technology, Artistry, Creativity and Education
Mark Hall
The Face in Space: Photography and the Counter Culture of Identity
Lei Cox
Recent works
John Angus
Further explorations in Physical Rendering
Sheila Kendrick
I Sing the Electric Body
Robert Casselton Clark
Digital Fictions and Fictional Personalities